I took a ton of pictures of my space at home...inside, outside, front yard, backyard...all over the place. I decided, in the end, to only post a select few. One, I'm trying to get ready for my open house / garden tour ~ Girls night out, which is next week already.
So I don't have the time to load and sort all the pictures. Two, I really want to just tease you guys, because I want you to come see me next week and not be disappointed when you get here.

Lori, Wish that the girls and I could be there to enjoy your garden tour. Hope all is well and take care!
Always good to hear from you. All is well, like everyone else, just trying to find time to enjoy the summer before it is gone. I also wish you guys were coming down...I definitely would have to by more "refreshments" ;)
Hugs, L
Oops, it should be buy more "refreshments"...L
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