I love to mix some seasonal with my everyday vintage look.
The coffee station is a good spot for a little sprinkle of spook.
These darling spiders and mice are just the perfect touch for Halloween.
These funny little mice with the bottle brush tales are some of my favorites.
Even though I hate spiders with a passion.
Actually, I am terrified of them and will run the other direction when I see one.
These little metal ones on chains - Perfect for dangling on any-old-thing. How can you not like these little guys at this time of year.
They look good in a grouping, hanging out by their chains at different lengths. I think they fit right in with my collection of Vintage M's. I really don't think of myself as a person who collects... but I do have a few things that catch my eye, and when placed in a grouping, make it look as if I am a collector...
Who am I trying to kid... I collect M's!!
and this is as good a place as any to display them.
I hope you have a touch of spook to display at your house.