the sale

oh Boy.

You mention a 50 % sale and the phones go crazy!!!

Again, I am not closing :)
Happy for that... I am kind of fond of my barn and all of you!

But with this much noise I am adding a pre-sale night.

For those of you that don't like the crowds AND those of you who like to see things first.... 
 Thursday 5 - 7pm. 2 hours only.
$10 admit fee.

employees and volunteers will shop Thursday with no fee 


The homesteadingcottage said...

Good luck on the sale! May it be a very successful one (:

Michele xoxo
The Homesteading Cottage

lori miller vintage design co said...

Michele, thanks for sending the love. I am excited but nervous... you know how I am... I get attached to my stuff and I hate to see it go.
I really need to get out of retail.

Layer it on. Change it up.

Time for a refresh. Have you ever looked at an area in your house and thought I am done looking at that mess.   Or maybe it's just time...