Vignette anyone....

I arrived at the store early on Wednesday because a sales rep was supposed to come by at 10 am and I had fresh boxes to unpack. I was excited because the shipment, all though only partial, was from one of my favorite vendors... I couldn't wait to dig in. I woke up that morning with the vignette already pictured in my mind. This product was going to be perfect, along with my new flower pots I had just brought in. The unpacking went well. Everything is brand new to the store.... oh I love it all. The rep was late and wanted to hang out..... they just don't realize that I cram 18 hours of work into an 8 hour day. It was easy to go through her product... not much for me.... I know what I like and I am good at sorting through the stuff that isn't for me and my Barn. It amazes me that these people get paid to sit and watch someone else sit and page through a catalog.... crazy. It is my least favorite part of the job and I am learning that I don't like to do business this way... mental note to self - no more reps with catalogs.
Unpack. Clean up the boxes and the packing mess. Sort and Price. Then the original vignette needs to be torn down and a new home for all of that product needs to be found. With this vignette I also needed to take down the suspended window I had hanging from the ceiling....drag out the big ladder.... take down the lights....clean up the mess.

Finally the fun begins..... once again I had a need to hang things from the ceiling. I bought this old chair frame....bed springs attached... from my friend, Jane. Love at first site. I new immediately this was mine...NFS.

After many trips up and down the Big Ladder the chair was just for some more fun things... an old chippy black frame and a great frame made from stacked cardboard and! Of course a little bit of burlap wont hurt the effect. Really getting my moneys worth out of the Big Ladder. (my ladder's name is "the Big Ladder")

Now for some product... an old piece of gate, a new iron mirror, a burlap tablecloth and my new wire mats.... a start.
The remainder of my Vagabond product. Glass cloches in three sizes with cork tops. Cloth and leather French storage bags. Vintage wooden pots. Metal pots. Well, you get the picture.....

I wish you were here..... more to do.... L


Kari from Meadowview Farm said...

Hi Lori:
I just arrived home from a week in Washington D.C. and was pleased as punch to find all your wonderful spring posts!
When the beginning of February rolls around - we all know that we are at the top of that winter mountain and heading downhill. Makes me smile to know the days will now get longer.
I am plotting & planning my trip to see all your new stock and amazingly creative vignettes!

lori miller vintage design co said...

Thanks for the Kudos. I too, celebrate the last day of January. It means that warmth is one month closer. I love to here about road trips product arrives daily so I will try my best not to disappoint you.

Layer it on. Change it up.

Time for a refresh. Have you ever looked at an area in your house and thought I am done looking at that mess.   Or maybe it's just time...