Sometimes the reproductions grouped with a few oldies are A OK.
These white pitchers were another good find from market.

love them in a box!
quick and clean. Some paper, tape, ribbon....
these posts with numbers are too fun....hang jewelry, hats, name it.
numbered 1 - 6
I am so looking forward to March 1st.
I know in these parts we sometimes get the most snow in March, but whatever happens we can get through it, because the snow wont last long now. The days are getting longer and it is getting warmer.... 39 degrees and sunny today.
I am already thinking of margaritas by the pool....a girl can dream.
Spring is on the way.
This is lovely!!!
OMG Lori, your vignettes are sooo great! So thick with layers and so deep visually! How many areas do you have and how often do you change them???? You always have something new to enjoy! Almost like "I Spy" Thank you for all your inspirations!
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