I can't begin to tell you how much I love this little corner of my living room.
It is the first table top I decorated for the holidays.
All tarnished silver and glass with a touch of green, and a touch of outdoors, and maybe a clock or two and a vintage book. You can see why it is my favorite corner...

so simple. so pretty. so fresh.

the old wood box is a perfect touch for the trophies.
the glass is the perfect touch for the tarnished silver.
- the boxwood, well it's just perfect for anything...

I love this shot..... more, more

my cute Cast boy from Belgium

The dryer is buzzing, the youngest boy is sick, the dog needs to go out, I've got to get in the shower, bills to pay, emails to answer, blogs to post, gifts to wrap, the store needs help, I don't have wine for tonight, I'm going to have to cancel my hair appointment, again... did I mention it's the weekend and we are enjoying our down time.... dreamin' again.
New vintage jewels at the Barn thanks to my new friends Linda and Jeanne... better get busy girls, it's selling like hotcakes.
Sale at the Barn started Friday - continues and gets better as we get closer to Christmas.
5 more shopping days.
Oh my God.
I just noticed I have almost - 1 short - 300 followers and almost 100,000 hits on this little ole blog. My goodness. I'm going to have to come up with a gift of thanks for the followers and those who link etc. Oh how exciting.....
I'll find something special at the Barn today....
I enjoyed seeing pictures of your home! Loving your tarnished Christmas vignette!
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful...love the tarnished silver and the old lampshades hanging!! Thanks for sharing!!
Wonderful Photos! Never Enough Silver Trophys, Etc.. I Collect and Love Tarnished Silver As Well...Won't You Stop By For A Visit Sometime?
Great corner!! The tarnished silver and the hanging wire lampshades...love those!! I have collected a few this summer...wasn't sure what to do with them...now I know!
Merry Christmas!
and congrats on the blog!!
Tammy :-)
~*~*Beautiful Lori!!~*~*Hugs,Rachel
*French Farmhouse 425*
Just wish I lived closer to the Twin Cities so I could pop in every now and then to see what you have. Heck-I can't even find the time just to get to the cities.
Hi sweet Lori, I just LOVE your tarnished corner and so understand why you do too! Such gorgeous, old treasures ~ and don't worry, what needs to get done will get done, what doesn't....doesn't matter!!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas, hugs and love, Dawn
Your vignette is so beautiful...I absolutely adore old trophies and they look so good with all of your other wonderments.
I love the lampshade skeletons hanging from the ceiling. Would love to copy that idea in my own home.
Thanks for the comment on the jewelry. Hope it keeps selling like hotcakes.
Stop in and check it out people!
Lori - you always know how to put together a beautiful vignette. I adore those skeleton lampshades in the corner. Who would'ave ever thought how cool they would look without their shades? :) Congrats on your popular blog, girl! Word's out how good you are....! :)
Merry Christmastide to you ~~
xoxo laurie
I think tarnish actually preserves the underlying metal in outdoor use and is called patina. The formation of patina is necessary in applications such as copper roofing, and outdoor copper, bronze, and brass statues and fittings.
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